Fix Nathan

Monday, October 09, 2006

10/9/06 Surgery Update

Just wanted to let you know that Nathan's surgery was scheduled for 3:15 mst. Well it is now 7:45 mst and we are still waiting. From everything we've been told (which isn't much)they are going to repair everything. So maybe it will be worth the wait. I'll let you know more as soon as I can. Thanks again for all the prayers and positive thinking. Love to all.


  • Those in the medical profession do get a kick out of making people wait. And wait. And eat jello. And then, you know, wait (while being smoke-screened on the specifics). But at least this waiting period won't be anticlimactic. It /will/ be worth the wait. There's no maybe, it /will/ be. Those docs better be wise to who they're dealing with, because Nathan is worth everything.

    I can't imagine that he's reading his messages (correct me if I'm wrong) so please let him know that I'm thinking about him again, and the thoughts are constant.

    all my love, hugs, no whip 155 degree white mochas, and consciousness --

    ~ melissa

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:37 PM  

  • Nathan, Bev and Steve. Aminal stopped by this afternoon and wanted to know how Nathan was and I told him that you were in surgery now and that you will be coming out of this in great shape. There is some that still don't know but they are being told and Dr. Baldwin said he will post a message soon. He said that he is praying for you, as we all are. It seems to working. You all take care and will see you soon. Love to you all take care Henrie.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:06 PM  

  • Everyone that knows Nathan at the Farmers Subro office are praying for a speedy but healthy recovery! We also want to make sure his mom is getting some rest! We're thinking of all of you and love you lots!
    Mary Beth, Carol, Tammy, Debbie, Suzie, Marianne, Carla, Judy, Kelly (traitor to AIG :)hee hee!)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:31 PM  

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