Fix Nathan

Friday, December 15, 2006

Climbed stairs today!!!!

I can hardly believe that we're almost home. Sounds like its a little dark and possibly cold there since last nights big windstorm. I hope everyone in Seattle is doing okay. Most probably won't be able to read this at least today.

Today Nathan climbed the stairs they have here, twice! He said it wasn't too hard. That is really a great thing since we have the stairs to the front of the house. Much easier than going around the back.

Busy packing everything up and getting it all together. So far it looks like we'll have plenty of room but, that is always subject change %-}

We've said goodbye to many wonderful people today. It's been great getting to know them and it's been a blessing to have them as part of our lives for during this time.

I'm spending this evening with Kyle, Tara and Ethan. I'm so going to miss them. They've truly become a big part of my life. It will be sad to say goodbye tomorrow. I hope they'll visit soon.

Hope you all are safe and that you have a wonderful weekend.

Love to all, The Mellon's


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