Fix Nathan

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Wednesday, at least I think it's Wednesday

Boy the days begin to run together. Is it Tuesday or Wednesday??? Well, it is Wednesday and all is pretty good.

Today is Steve's Dad's birthday! Happy Birthday Dad! We love you and wish you the best birthday ever! Thank you so much for your love and support during this difficult time.

Today they took Nathan down for a scan of his bladder to see if the cath can be removed. Don't have the results from that yet. Need to follow up on that one.

Talked to the Social Worker today and she said that it is possible that Nathan may be moved to the skilled nursing facility tomorrow, Thursday. Won't really know until tomorrow. I was thinking maybe Friday.

Today I found the Denver Property Office and got some great help with my CRN upgrade. Those people are as nice as the people I work with in Seattle.

Expecting a possible big snow storm here tonight. I've heard 10" and 3" of snow. I'd love to see it but am not looking forward to possibly having to drive in it. At least it is mostly flat here.

Pretty quiet day today. I'll let you know if any thing changes.

Love & Hugs to all, Bev


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