Fix Nathan

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Started outpatient therapy

First let me start by saying Happy Birthday to Nathan who turned 25 on Monday the 15th. Wow! To think we nearly didn't have that birthday to celebrate.

We had dinner with my Dad and Henrie at Saya's, which is a local Japanese Thai restaurant that we've been going to since Nathan was about 4 years old. It was great as usual. Finished the evening off with ice cream cake, coffee and a few gifts. It was quiet but nice.

Busy week with doctors and therapy.
Monday was wound clinic day. They do great work there but never plan another appointment for after that appointment as they are never on time. Nathan had a 1:30 appointment and we didn't get in the room until after 3:00. Frustrating to say the least. However, the treatment he's been getting is helping a great deal. His back wound and his skin graft donor site are both looking great. Won't be much longer I'm sure until he can put that part behind him....

Wednesday he had his first outpatient Occupational & Physical Therapy appointments. Mostly an orientation day and then Friday they did a bunch more stuff. He's riding a bike and doing stretching exercises. Now if I could just get him to do more at home he'd see some real progress.

He also saw the urologist on Wednesday and he say all was good. That was great news.

Had a follow up appointment with his family doctor who makes all the referrals and issues the RX. He was pleased with Nathans progress.

Nathan is finding himself to be very stiff and sore after therapy. Think riding the bike might have something to do with that.

We've finally gotten rid of the last of the snow. It was awfully pretty but I'm glad it's gone as I'm really tired of being that cold all the time.

Hope all is well with you and that you have a wonderful weekend.

Love to all, The Mellon's

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Busy week!

Nathan is still doing well. Was a busy week for appointments.

Monday he saw the dentist as his front teeth have bothered him since the accident. He was suppose to have a dental consult while in the hospital, but that didn't happen. As it turned out, he had to have a root canal done on both front teeth. He had a few cavities so he went back on Tuesday to have those done. Needless to say, that was the end of the dental coverage for the year. Drats! Tried to get him in before the end of the year but of course so did everyone else and with the holidays and all...

We also were back at the wound clinic. His back wound is looking great. They are using a different product now. I think sometime they try new stuff to see if they can't get a better result. It's really working well. The graft site is looking good too!

Wednesday afternoon Nathan and I joined my teammates for our Christmas party dinner at the Keg in Factoria. The weather people said the day before that we should expect high winds and snow but at 4:00 that afternoon, it hadn't happened so we stayed with our plans to meet for dinner. The Keg is about 14 miles from the house, not a big deal really. However, when we got about a mile from the restaurant it was like driving into a different world. The streets were white and corn snow was falling like mad. We stuck it out for dinner and had a great time. It was wonderful to see all my friends that I haven't gotten to see in many months. When we left out of The Keg about 7:00 PM it was coming down like crazy and had been for most of the time we were eating. We headed out and it took us an hour and a half to go 1 mile.... Then we turned on to Coal Creek and inched along there for another hour. We didn't even get as far as Forest Drive which is less than a mile when Patrick, one of my friends and co-workers called to say he'd gotten a lot further by going 405 (a local freeway). So we made a u-turn and headed for the freeway at 9:30 PM. Once we got on the freeway, it was pretty smooth sailing compared to the rest of it. Had to run Lora by home and then head home from there. We came up 140th from Maple Valley Hwy and Nathan counted 56 cars parked all over the hill. Mind you, there is no parking on that hill. What was really surprising is how my rearwheel drive car didn't have any trouble getting around. It was such a relief. I was worried about getting stuck and having Nathan with me. But I ended up worrying for nothing. I love it when that happens.

Steve beat us home (he had been working) and got the driveway cleared so Nathan could get in the house. We ended up with about 8" of snow. It was beautiful.

Because of the snow his OT & PT appointments were rescheduled. He had his final home PT appointment yesterday and will have his final home OT appointment on Monday. He starts outpatient therapy on Wednesday.

We also got the bowflex set up yesterday and are hoping he can get some good use out of it.

It snowed again this morning. Just enough to make is slick again. I'm wondering if we didn't bring some of Denver home with us.

Hope you all had a safe and good weekend. Be sure to root hard for the Seahawks. Would love to see them at the Superbowl again.

Thanks for all your continued support and love. We love you all, The Mellon's

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Quiet Weekend

Hello All,

Not a lot knew here to report on.

Friday Nathan was seen at the wound clinic. Seemed to take forever. I think we were there about 2 1/2 hours. Needless to say he was really tired when we finally got out of there.

He slept late that morning and he had therapy earlier in the day and then we rushed off to the wound clinic. He hadn't had a chance to eat before we left so he was starving by the time we got loose.

We had a late lunch, early dinner at Saya. That is a Japanese Thai restaurant we have been going to since Nathan was 5 years old. It was as great as usual. We haven't had a chance to visit there since we got home. We took Steve dinner at Home Depot.

Didn't end up getting home until about 7:00. He was wiped out.

Tomorrow we have a dental appointment and another appointment at the wound clinic. They want to see how the new product is working on healing the wound. It is looking better all the time. Hopefully a couple more weeks and he'll see the end of it.

Hope you all had a great weekend.

Have a fabulous Monday! Love to all, Bev

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Hello to all.

Nathan is finally getting over his sore throat/cold and seems to be feeling quite a bit better.

Today was his urology appointment to see if he was suffering from a stricture. The good news is he isn't and the doctor said that he could hardly tell that there had been any damage they did such a good job of putting him back together. What he did have was several bladder stones. No, we hadn't heard of that either. But it certainly explains why he's been uncomfortable off and on. So, the doctor broke them up and he should be just fine. He looked good in recovery and was able to come home not too long after surgery.

The wound clinic appointment got moved to Friday and his dental appointment was cancelled due to the windstorm we had yesterday that caused the dentists office to be without power. So just when you think you have everything figured out, something changes. Imagine that... %-}

Nathan was able to put his own socks on today. That was a really cool to see. It's really amazing all the things that we take for granted. Something as simple as putting on a pair of socks. Have you ever tried putting socks on someone else? Let me tell you that it isn't always easy. Sometimes they go right on and the next time they get all twisted and bunched up. Plus you don't want to push to hard for fear of hurting him. Try it sometime, you'll see what I mean. Not that I mind, not at all. I'm glad to be able to do it for him. I'm just glad to see him progressing.

We hope our Denver family are doing okay with all the snow. We are thinking of you. Have to admit that we are counting our blessings to have been able to get home before it all hit. Although I would have enjoyed being snowed in with my Denver family, Kyle, Tara and Ethan.

Speaking of Ethan. His mom Tara told me he asked her when I was coming home and she told him that Nathan's owies had gotten better and I took him on a plane and that we'd gone home. He then said that he thought I was lost and she should go look for me. How sweet is that???
I have to tell you what he said to me the other day. Remember he's 3 years old. I was talking to him on the phone and he said to me, "when are you coming home?" When I told him that I was home and wouldn't be back for awhile he asked "why?" I tried to explain and he said, "okay, goodbye". He just didn't want to hear it. I sure do miss him and is Momma and Daddy. I'm ready for a good game of Quiddich, I mean Quiddler. I've been reading too much Harry Potter. If you haven't played it, check it out. What a kick!

Speaking of Harry Potter. I have self diagnosed myself with Harry Potter elbow. A little like tennis elbow. I've been complaining for weeks now about how sore my elbows are. I thought it was from all the knitting I was doing while in Denver. However, I discovered (since I haven't knit since leaving Denver) that because I lay on my side in bed while reading and the last Harry Potter book I read (I think I just finished #5, all in a row)was really thick and causes my hand to hang down toward the bed. It stretches out the muscles in my elbows and makes it nearly unbearable. I had to wonder if I wasn't just having sympathy pains for Nathan. Was glad to have figured it out but have had to put off reading the last book for awhile until I can get my elbows to stop hurting. %-}

We continue to enjoy the bounty of your prayers and well wishes. Thank you all for them. We wish you a wonderful rest of the week and a super weekend.

P.S. Go Hawks!!!! (Yes, Derrick that is for your benefit!) Love ya!

Love & Hugs to all, Steve, Bev & Nathan