Fix Nathan

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Busy week!

Nathan is still doing well. Was a busy week for appointments.

Monday he saw the dentist as his front teeth have bothered him since the accident. He was suppose to have a dental consult while in the hospital, but that didn't happen. As it turned out, he had to have a root canal done on both front teeth. He had a few cavities so he went back on Tuesday to have those done. Needless to say, that was the end of the dental coverage for the year. Drats! Tried to get him in before the end of the year but of course so did everyone else and with the holidays and all...

We also were back at the wound clinic. His back wound is looking great. They are using a different product now. I think sometime they try new stuff to see if they can't get a better result. It's really working well. The graft site is looking good too!

Wednesday afternoon Nathan and I joined my teammates for our Christmas party dinner at the Keg in Factoria. The weather people said the day before that we should expect high winds and snow but at 4:00 that afternoon, it hadn't happened so we stayed with our plans to meet for dinner. The Keg is about 14 miles from the house, not a big deal really. However, when we got about a mile from the restaurant it was like driving into a different world. The streets were white and corn snow was falling like mad. We stuck it out for dinner and had a great time. It was wonderful to see all my friends that I haven't gotten to see in many months. When we left out of The Keg about 7:00 PM it was coming down like crazy and had been for most of the time we were eating. We headed out and it took us an hour and a half to go 1 mile.... Then we turned on to Coal Creek and inched along there for another hour. We didn't even get as far as Forest Drive which is less than a mile when Patrick, one of my friends and co-workers called to say he'd gotten a lot further by going 405 (a local freeway). So we made a u-turn and headed for the freeway at 9:30 PM. Once we got on the freeway, it was pretty smooth sailing compared to the rest of it. Had to run Lora by home and then head home from there. We came up 140th from Maple Valley Hwy and Nathan counted 56 cars parked all over the hill. Mind you, there is no parking on that hill. What was really surprising is how my rearwheel drive car didn't have any trouble getting around. It was such a relief. I was worried about getting stuck and having Nathan with me. But I ended up worrying for nothing. I love it when that happens.

Steve beat us home (he had been working) and got the driveway cleared so Nathan could get in the house. We ended up with about 8" of snow. It was beautiful.

Because of the snow his OT & PT appointments were rescheduled. He had his final home PT appointment yesterday and will have his final home OT appointment on Monday. He starts outpatient therapy on Wednesday.

We also got the bowflex set up yesterday and are hoping he can get some good use out of it.

It snowed again this morning. Just enough to make is slick again. I'm wondering if we didn't bring some of Denver home with us.

Hope you all had a safe and good weekend. Be sure to root hard for the Seahawks. Would love to see them at the Superbowl again.

Thanks for all your continued support and love. We love you all, The Mellon's


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