Fix Nathan

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Hello to all.

Nathan is finally getting over his sore throat/cold and seems to be feeling quite a bit better.

Today was his urology appointment to see if he was suffering from a stricture. The good news is he isn't and the doctor said that he could hardly tell that there had been any damage they did such a good job of putting him back together. What he did have was several bladder stones. No, we hadn't heard of that either. But it certainly explains why he's been uncomfortable off and on. So, the doctor broke them up and he should be just fine. He looked good in recovery and was able to come home not too long after surgery.

The wound clinic appointment got moved to Friday and his dental appointment was cancelled due to the windstorm we had yesterday that caused the dentists office to be without power. So just when you think you have everything figured out, something changes. Imagine that... %-}

Nathan was able to put his own socks on today. That was a really cool to see. It's really amazing all the things that we take for granted. Something as simple as putting on a pair of socks. Have you ever tried putting socks on someone else? Let me tell you that it isn't always easy. Sometimes they go right on and the next time they get all twisted and bunched up. Plus you don't want to push to hard for fear of hurting him. Try it sometime, you'll see what I mean. Not that I mind, not at all. I'm glad to be able to do it for him. I'm just glad to see him progressing.

We hope our Denver family are doing okay with all the snow. We are thinking of you. Have to admit that we are counting our blessings to have been able to get home before it all hit. Although I would have enjoyed being snowed in with my Denver family, Kyle, Tara and Ethan.

Speaking of Ethan. His mom Tara told me he asked her when I was coming home and she told him that Nathan's owies had gotten better and I took him on a plane and that we'd gone home. He then said that he thought I was lost and she should go look for me. How sweet is that???
I have to tell you what he said to me the other day. Remember he's 3 years old. I was talking to him on the phone and he said to me, "when are you coming home?" When I told him that I was home and wouldn't be back for awhile he asked "why?" I tried to explain and he said, "okay, goodbye". He just didn't want to hear it. I sure do miss him and is Momma and Daddy. I'm ready for a good game of Quiddich, I mean Quiddler. I've been reading too much Harry Potter. If you haven't played it, check it out. What a kick!

Speaking of Harry Potter. I have self diagnosed myself with Harry Potter elbow. A little like tennis elbow. I've been complaining for weeks now about how sore my elbows are. I thought it was from all the knitting I was doing while in Denver. However, I discovered (since I haven't knit since leaving Denver) that because I lay on my side in bed while reading and the last Harry Potter book I read (I think I just finished #5, all in a row)was really thick and causes my hand to hang down toward the bed. It stretches out the muscles in my elbows and makes it nearly unbearable. I had to wonder if I wasn't just having sympathy pains for Nathan. Was glad to have figured it out but have had to put off reading the last book for awhile until I can get my elbows to stop hurting. %-}

We continue to enjoy the bounty of your prayers and well wishes. Thank you all for them. We wish you a wonderful rest of the week and a super weekend.

P.S. Go Hawks!!!! (Yes, Derrick that is for your benefit!) Love ya!

Love & Hugs to all, Steve, Bev & Nathan


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