Fix Nathan

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

A very Merry Christmas to you all!!!

What a wonderful a blessed holiday this has been. Thanks to all of you for being part of it!

Last night my Dad, his friend Henrie, my sister Carla and brother-in-law Skip, my niece Shannon and her wonderful husband Dave, their two beautiful little girls Ava & Emma, my niece Paula and her twin 6 year olds girls Kaitlyn & Kirstin and 4 year old son Chandler joined us for dinner. Unfortunately my nephew Craig and his wife Rachel and their son Jacob weren't able to join us. Poor Craig had to get up at 2:00 this AM to go to work. We had great fun. It was great to see the kids having so much fun.
Of course we ate too much but there was so much good food. Carla made several wonderful appetizers. So, needless to say we weren't starving for dinner.
Nathan had PT yesterday and is making great progress. I forgot to tell you that the day before that he actually walked down the hall without, yes I said WITHOUT the aid of his crutches. He had them with him but he didn't use them. He did it again yesterday. It was really cool to see.

Tomorrow he has an Ortho appointment in the afternoon. Don't know what that will bring but are anxious to see what they have to say.

It was a quiet day here today. Nathan slept late, we had breakfast about 1:00 and watched The Devil Wears Prada, the Cowboys get beat and The Da Vinci Code. We also had a really great Prime Rib Dinner that Steve made for us.

Nathan is struggling to stay awake and Steve has since given up trying.

I just wanted to be sure to let you all know that we are thinking of you and wishing you a wonderful holiday. We love you all.

Steve, Bev & Nathan


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