Fix Nathan

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Nothing New Here

Today we visited the wound clinic. I must say that the clinic in Seattle doesn't hold a candle to the one here in Denver at St. Luke's. I will say though that both the back wound and the skin graft are so close to being healed. He doesn't have to have a bandage on the leg wound any more. Will have the one on his back tended to by St. Luke's for the next few weeks. Will be surprised if it isn't only just a few weeks till he's done with that.

He's still waiting to hear from the doctor about the arm surgery. It is Wednesday and still no word. It isn't looking like it is going to happen, at least while I'm here. I'm not going to like that but, I guess he'll be okay. I know that Tara and Derrick will look after him as well as all his Monaco friends.

It is snowing today and is about 25 degrees and getting colder. There are many slick spots and lots of traffic coming back to the hotel from the wound clinic.

I got to visit with most of my extended Denver family at Monaco today. It was really great to see so many familiar faces. Was sorry that I didn't get to see Becky or Maunda. I hope they are both well and will come see me at home sometime soon.

At this time the plan is for Dad and I to head out tomorrow. I imagine sometime around noon and we'll probably stay at Rock Springs and then head to Twin Falls the next day and home on Saturday. That is all weather permitting. Hoping that it gets the snow out of it's system before we leave.

We'll keep you posted on things here. Thanks so much for all your love and prayers. Dad and I will be home soon. Nathan will be back at school and getting on with his life.

See some of you soon! Love ya, Bev, Nathan & Dad

Monday, February 26, 2007

And the waiting continues

Nathan had a CT scan on his elbow on Thursday and now we are just waiting to hear from the Doctor about the findings. We hope to hear today but you know how that goes. I'm sure Monday's are pretty busy with all the weekend happenings.

We had a little snow over the weekend.

Friday night we had a great dinner with Kyle, Tara and Ethan. We played Quiddler (love that game) and had drinks. It was so much fun. Almost like I'd never left.

Saturday night we saw a lacrosse (sp?) game with them. I really enjoyed that. A lot like hockey. Very fast and full of action. They actually played Portland, Oregon. The Denver Mammoth won 13 to 6. I'd go again. Thanks for inviting us.

Well, I'll let you know more as soon as we know anything.

Thanks for your continued support! We love you all!!! The Mellon's

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Back in Denver

Quick note to let you know that we've arrived back in Denver last night 2/20/07. Had a great trip. The roads were clear but the wind was terrible. That suburban acts like a sail. But we got here about 8:30 last night and are getting settled.

Nathan saw the doctor today. He wants to have a CT scan done before he makes any decisions on whether or not to do additional surgery right now. He said that he usually waits about a year. I know, I know, that is not what I've been telling you. But, that isn't what they've been telling us either. The story seems to change every time we see him. Oh well, he does know what is best for Nathan so we really have to trust his judgment.

We are waiting for a CT appointment and I will keep you posted.

Thanks to all for all your love and prayers. We love you and we'll see you soon. The Mellon's

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Sorry it's been so long

Funny how things get away from you when you are back on home ground. I didn't mean for this to go so long between updates. It makes me think of the few days I missed while in Denver and how much that frustrated me to not be passing along the most recent information.

Well the good news is that Nathan is doing great. He's getting therapy 3 times a week and is doing well there. He's riding a stationary bike as well as many other therapy type things. His range of motion on his elbow is at 118 degrees without forcing it. He said the other day that he was at 100 degrees in Denver with Rachel hanging off from it. Thought that was pretty cute.

We upped the visits to the wound clinic to 3 times a week this past week as one part of the skin graft just isn't cooperating and healing properly. They say that his body is in serious heal mode and it is making the graft site granulate which means the new skin won't grow up hill. So they've been knocking the site down with silvernitrate and that helps a great deal. The wound on his back is smaller than a pencil eraser. Actually it looked a lot like a big canker sore. Thankfully he doesn't have any sensation there yet so it doesn't hurt. But it is so much better that by the time he heads back to school it should be completely gone.

Speaking of school. It starts in March and his is planning to be there come hell or high water. So, we are in the process of getting ready to head back. Part of the deal is that we are hoping to have the elbow surgery that he needs to remove some of the metal, scar tissue and some bone that has grown where it shouldn't. Won't really know if that is going to happen until we get there but I'm planning to be there for him for it.

Once that is done (assuming it does) then I'll get him settled and I'll head back home and return to work.

I've been very fortunate in that I have so many years with Farmers and have been able to draw on my sick leave to be able to care for Nathan. I don't know what I'd have done without it.

Nathan saw the orthopedic Doc here and they took more X-rays. Things are healing well and progressing as expected.

It never ceases to amaze me at just how far he's come. Here it is just over 4 months and he's getting ready to return to school. Mind you he's still got a great deal of therapy to deal with but he's bound and determined to get there. I admire him a great deal.

Thanks again to everyone who have loved and supported us during this trying time. We love you all. You are and will remain in our thoughts and prayers. The Mellon's