Fix Nathan

Monday, February 26, 2007

And the waiting continues

Nathan had a CT scan on his elbow on Thursday and now we are just waiting to hear from the Doctor about the findings. We hope to hear today but you know how that goes. I'm sure Monday's are pretty busy with all the weekend happenings.

We had a little snow over the weekend.

Friday night we had a great dinner with Kyle, Tara and Ethan. We played Quiddler (love that game) and had drinks. It was so much fun. Almost like I'd never left.

Saturday night we saw a lacrosse (sp?) game with them. I really enjoyed that. A lot like hockey. Very fast and full of action. They actually played Portland, Oregon. The Denver Mammoth won 13 to 6. I'd go again. Thanks for inviting us.

Well, I'll let you know more as soon as we know anything.

Thanks for your continued support! We love you all!!! The Mellon's


  • This is great info to know.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:14 PM  

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