Monday 10/16/06
Nathan seems more alert today and eating a little better. He got a shave, washed his face and brushed his teeth, I think that helped a little bit. The nurse has ordered him an airbed that should help him move a little better as well as a trapeze (don't know if I spelled that correctly) bar so he can pull himself up. The pain seems a little better today. Nice to see our Nathan coming back to his old self at least a little bit. Don't know anything more about additional surgery. Need to talk to the Trauma Coordinator and the Social Worker to get more info. We never seem to be around when the doctors are. Well, I'll let you know more as soon as I know it.
Steve and Dad are off to make sure they can get Nathan's truck to run. They've had a hard time getting it to start. They will head home with the truck, bike and a trailer with all Nathan's stuff in a day or so. They are waiting until all surgeries are complete before leaving.
Thanks again to all holding down the fort at home and at work.
Love you all.
Steve and Dad are off to make sure they can get Nathan's truck to run. They've had a hard time getting it to start. They will head home with the truck, bike and a trailer with all Nathan's stuff in a day or so. They are waiting until all surgeries are complete before leaving.
Thanks again to all holding down the fort at home and at work.
Love you all.
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