Fix Nathan

Friday, October 13, 2006

Elbow surgery completed!

Nathan went into surgery at 1:00 this afternoon to have his elbow repaired. After 6 hours of waiting, we were told he was heading to recovery and the Doc would be out soon. The Doc told us that he felt really good about how the surgery went. They were able to use his own bone without using part of his hip as was thought might happen. So besides a good deal of bone, a great deal of metal. He will have some limited range of motion but for the most part it was successful. We were very happy and encouraged by this news. The Doc said he's only seen one this bad before and it was due to a gunshot wound.

When we got to visit with Nathan later his face was swollen liked he'd been in a boxing match. The nurse said it was from all the fluids he's received. He said he felt pretty good. Which is a first. Hopefully that will continue. We didn't stay long as he was nodding off and needed to rest and we had much laundry to do tonight.

My friend Ann suggested keeping lots of chocolate in the room for the nursing staff. I must say we've had great care. Don't know if the chocolate helped or not but it's been worth it. Thanks Ann!

So, as you can tell, today was a pretty good day and we are all feeling pretty darn good.

Love to all.


  • Nathan kicks ass. Can't think of anybody else who would say they feel any kind of good after being served a big platter of mr. T with a side of getting shot. I'm thrilled that this surgery went well, and I hope everything goes on in this way :)

    ~ melissa

    p.s. Rock.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:23 AM  

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