Fix Nathan

Friday, October 27, 2006

We Made It!!!

Well, we made the big move about 5:30 tonight. The hospital called the paramedic who came and loaded him up and transferred him to Monaco Parkway. Everyone there greeted us on the way in, called Nathan by name, have stopped in to say hello and to let him know that they are here to help him. I'm feeling much better about the move and that I made the right choice. It's just another example of people going out of their way for us. He has a room to himself. He's in room 107 at the end of a hall. I thinks he's liking it okay so far.

More tomorrow %-}

Love to all, Bev


  • hi bud,
    welcome to your new home. hope you find it to your liking. from what mom said, it sounds like a very friendly place.
    the dogs say hi and can`t wait to help you on your road to recovery.
    you are loved and missed,talk to you later dad

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:09 AM  

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