Fix Nathan

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

Wow! What a year!!!

What a great year!!! Really I mean it.

Nathan is better everyday and is looking forward to heading back to Denver for school. He told me the other day that if school were starting next week, he'd be there. Gotta give him credit for amazing drive.

I must say that he's been sick for the past 3 days with a sore throat and just generally feeling yucky. I'm hoping he's feeling much better today.

Well, he just got up and he's not feeling any better. Drats!

He is continuing with both PT and OT and is making great progress. Another week or two and then he will begin outpatient PT & OT.

His back wound and skin graft sight are looking really good. He goes to the wound clinic on Wednesday morning so we'll know more then but I'm sure they'll be pleased with the progress.

We wanted to be sure to wish all of you the best New Year Ever!!! As always we appreciate all your love and support during this difficult time. We continue daily to become more aware of the blessings provided to us by people like you. Thank you for being a part of our guardian angel troupe. Your love and support have given us the strength to get through this. Thank you for all your prayers and well wishes.

God is great!

We love you all. Have a blessed New Year!
Steve, Bev & Nathan Mellon

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

A very Merry Christmas to you all!!!

What a wonderful a blessed holiday this has been. Thanks to all of you for being part of it!

Last night my Dad, his friend Henrie, my sister Carla and brother-in-law Skip, my niece Shannon and her wonderful husband Dave, their two beautiful little girls Ava & Emma, my niece Paula and her twin 6 year olds girls Kaitlyn & Kirstin and 4 year old son Chandler joined us for dinner. Unfortunately my nephew Craig and his wife Rachel and their son Jacob weren't able to join us. Poor Craig had to get up at 2:00 this AM to go to work. We had great fun. It was great to see the kids having so much fun.
Of course we ate too much but there was so much good food. Carla made several wonderful appetizers. So, needless to say we weren't starving for dinner.
Nathan had PT yesterday and is making great progress. I forgot to tell you that the day before that he actually walked down the hall without, yes I said WITHOUT the aid of his crutches. He had them with him but he didn't use them. He did it again yesterday. It was really cool to see.

Tomorrow he has an Ortho appointment in the afternoon. Don't know what that will bring but are anxious to see what they have to say.

It was a quiet day here today. Nathan slept late, we had breakfast about 1:00 and watched The Devil Wears Prada, the Cowboys get beat and The Da Vinci Code. We also had a really great Prime Rib Dinner that Steve made for us.

Nathan is struggling to stay awake and Steve has since given up trying.

I just wanted to be sure to let you all know that we are thinking of you and wishing you a wonderful holiday. We love you all.

Steve, Bev & Nathan

Friday, December 22, 2006


I'm so sorry this has taken so long to get brought up to date. I've been fighting with my computer. I dropped it and it's been giving me fits...

Anyway, let me bring you up to date.

We left Denver on Saturday December 16, 2006. Nathan's therapist Diana, gave us a lift to the airport. We arrived about 1:30. They brought a wheelchair to the curb and helped us with our luggage. Once we got checked in, we were wheeled to security and basically went to the front of the line. It was interesting for Nathan to go through security in a chair. Because he could stand, he stood and leaned against the wall and basically went through a pat down. His elbow didn't react to the wand but his femur did. Must be different types of metal. Off we went to the gate. The little gal that was pushing the wheelchair put us in the boarding line, right in the middle of it all. We were plenty early for the flight and then we found it was delayed about 35 minutes. We ended up boarding shortly after 4:00. It was kind of cool as we were the first to board and then they held the rest of the passengers for a few minutes while we got settled. We had a very nice flight.

Thanks to my sister, her husband, my aunt and uncle we were able to fly home first class. Nathan was getting pretty figgitty by the time we landed but I know he was way more comfortable than if he'd had to fly coach.

It was so great to get home to see my husband, dad and dogs. It was just really great to be home. We did come home to no power due to the big windstorm. My darling husband was able to get the generator going so we didn't suffer. We had both refrigerators, the freezer, lights and the fan for the gas stove. Plus we have a gas range and water heater so we didn't do without. Steve even got the lights up on the house and outside tree and a giant Frosty in the front yard and the indoor Christmas tree up with lights. I need to decorate it and will work on that tomorrow.

However, we sure do miss our Denver family and we can't thank you enough for all you've done for us. Thanks for getting us home. We hope that you are all doing okay with all the snow you've gotten. I would have loved to have seen it but am kind of glad that I didn't have to try to get around in it. Not that I'd have gotten too far. I probably would have had to camp out at Monaco. Wouldn't have minded helping them. I'm sure they must have been short handed and tired too.

Nathan had his first visit from the Home Health Nurse on Sunday. Interesting to say the least. She is quite the talker and for those of you that know Nathan, know he isn't real crazy about that.

On Monday he had an appointment with our Family Dr. to check in and get the referrals that he needs for ortho, PT, OT, etc. etc....

Tuesday, the home PT guy came. It was so weird. The guy that showed up was Bill Welch who was Nathan's 6th grade basketball coach and Steve's therapist for his back. It was great to see him and he and Nathan were able to catch up on some of the kids from the team.

He's seen an OT. Don't totally know what the plan is there so we'll see.

Last night Nathan finally got the air bed he's needed since Saturday. It's been incredibly frustrating trying to get it. What they originally brought was a mattress and then an air mattress. The air mattress when inflated was about 2" or less thick. It was just ridiculous. It was hard as a rock. I couldn't yell at the guy who brought it but I sure wanted to. Then another guy showed up at 10:15 PM with the exact same thing. Who can figure....

Today, Nathan had a urology appointment. One of the things they warned Nathan about with the type of injuries he sustained was a urethra stricture at the injury site. So on January 3rd, he is going to have a procedure to see if that is happening and if so, they'll stretch that area to correct the problem.

Next week he see the Ortho Doc here for the first time. I imagine that after that visit he will probably start outpatient PT & OT. I think he's ready for that. Especially if he's planning to head back to Denver in February...

The first week of the year he already has 3 appointments scheduled. Dentist as he complained of his teeth hurting after the accident (they were suppose to have a dental consult but didn't), wound clinic to check up on the back wound and then the urology appointment. This and therapy too! He's going to be a busy boy.

Well, I'm hoping to have better luck accessing the blog so I can keep this more current. I appreciate your patience.

We wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and also a Happy Hanukkah.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Climbed stairs today!!!!

I can hardly believe that we're almost home. Sounds like its a little dark and possibly cold there since last nights big windstorm. I hope everyone in Seattle is doing okay. Most probably won't be able to read this at least today.

Today Nathan climbed the stairs they have here, twice! He said it wasn't too hard. That is really a great thing since we have the stairs to the front of the house. Much easier than going around the back.

Busy packing everything up and getting it all together. So far it looks like we'll have plenty of room but, that is always subject change %-}

We've said goodbye to many wonderful people today. It's been great getting to know them and it's been a blessing to have them as part of our lives for during this time.

I'm spending this evening with Kyle, Tara and Ethan. I'm so going to miss them. They've truly become a big part of my life. It will be sad to say goodbye tomorrow. I hope they'll visit soon.

Hope you all are safe and that you have a wonderful weekend.

Love to all, The Mellon's

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Two More Days!

Can you believe it! Two more days and we'll be home!

Nathan has been working hard to get there that is for sure. More walking and PT today. Tomorrow will be his last round of therapy or so I've been told.

He's walking with crutches. Still not real steady but definitely doing better.

He's in a great mood today. Giving me and the staff a hard time.

He's busy making plans with the people at Johnson & Wales to come back for spring trimester. He's bound and determined! Isn't it great!!!!

We fly out on Saturday at 4:00 PM. Plane should arrive about 6:00 PST.

We've started saying goodbye to some of the staff as they won't be here tomorrow or Saturday. I can see it now, I'll be crying for the next 3 days. But, it's good that I get this started now as I've been accused of being the longest goodbyer ever!!! %-}

We are expecting a few of the people at Monaco to come see us sometime in the near future. We'd sure love it if they would.

Also, trying to get Kyle, Tara and Ethan come stay with us sometime. I'm really going to miss them. They have been so wonderful to me. Wish I could gather them up and take them with me.

Well, I'd better stop or I'll start crying now.... It's that happy sad thing. You know.

Thanks again to all of you for all your love and support during this time. What an experience. We couldn't have done it without you and don't ever forget that.

We love you lots! Steve, Bev & Nathan

P.S. I will continue to post once we're home, it just might not be everyday. Sorry to have missed yesterday, still having trouble with the blog site. Hugs to all.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

4 More Days!

I'm sorry this is so late. I've been having trouble accessing the blog sight.

Anyway, Nathan used crutches to walk yesterday and today. It's really hard because it makes him have to use his whole body to balance. Which is a good thing, just a hard thing. He isn't able to walk as far because it takes so much effort but he went further today than yesterday!

He's had a lot of therapy on his arm. Man, that sure does hurt! I feel so bad for him but it's something he has to go through. He's getting more movement from it. Today he was at 100 degrees with the hand bent up toward the shoulder and at 8 degrees straight out. They are looking for 0 degrees on the straight side so they were really happy with today's results.

We are 4 days from coming home! It's really hard to believe that it's been 10 weeks. He's made such great progress. It's almost hard to believe how well he's done and how far he's come.

I'm sorry I still haven't figured out how to add video clips. One of these day's I hope to figure it out. If anyone knows how, please feel free to let me know....

Hope you all had a wonderful day. We love you all. Thanks for all your love and support.

We'll be home soon. Love & Hugs, The Mellon's

Sunday, December 10, 2006

12/9 & 10/06 Last weekend at Monaco

It's been another quiet weekend at Monaco Parkway. It's hard to believe that this is our last weekend here. As glad as we are going to be to be home, it will be hard to say goodbye to so many wonderful people.

Nathan had PT today and walked about 200'. I don't know that it's really getting easier but he is getting better at it.

This is going to be a really busy week for him. He's got a lot to learn and practice this week to get ready for the big trip home.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing many of you soon.

Love & Hugs, The Mellon Family

Friday, December 08, 2006

12/8/06 It just gets better everyday

Today Nathan walked with a walker about 300'. I don't mean step, step, move the walker. I mean really walking. It was like he was just moving down the hallway. Diana was really pleased with his gait, stamina and ability. It's really hard to go that far. Who knows, maybe he'll go all the way around tomorrow. It does really wear him out and he's really ready for a nap when they get finished.

I'm still trying to figure out how to get video clips added to this. I know there must be a way, I just have to figure it out. Here is a photo of him coming down the hall this morning. At this point he's gone about 200' or so.

All the garb is because of the GI problems going around. Fortunately he hasn't been struck by it since a few days ago and had it only briefly. The garb really holds the heat in so it is extra difficult.

He worked hard with the occupational therapist today on range of motion on his arm and wrist. It was hard to watch as it really hurt.

I'm happy to say that the back wound looks 50% better than it did just 2 days ago. I think the ladies at the wound clinic are going to be really happy with improvement.

So we are down to 8 days until we're home. But who's counting....

Thanks to all for all your love and support. We couldn't have done it without you.

Love & Hugs, The Mellon's

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Almost 160 feet!

Today he walked with a walker from the gym to the reception area and then part way back. It was about 160'. With little to no assistance. All this while fully garbed in gown, gloves and mask which make it really hot. It was really cute, Sherry the therapist he was working with today, is so short that when she holds on to the gait belt (which is just a way for her to have a handle on him) it is so high that she said her arm was going to sleep. It was because she wasn't used to having her arm held out at shoulder height for so long. He's so tall and she's so short. They are all used to working with little old people that its something new and different to work with someone so young and so tall....

We made our airline reservations for Saturday December 16. We arrive in Seattle at 5:57. Yippie! Will be so nice to be home. I miss my husband, my family and my dogs. They've probably forgotten who I am....

However, I must say again that it has been a true blessing to be able to stay with Tara and Kyle. What terrific hosts. I couldn't have been taken care of better that is for sure! I'm really going to miss them when it's time to head home. I hope they'll come see us sometime soon.

Well, today was another great day! Thanks to all for all your love and support! We're getting closer to making it home. We'll be there in 9 days!

Love to all, The Mellon's

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Walks with a walker!!!!

Today PT had Nathan walking with a walker!!!! He walked from the bed into the bathroom. I missed it but they tell me it really happened. They said he'd do it again so not to worry. %-}
They are going to walk down the hall tomorrow. But that was before they issued a directive about all residents staying in their rooms due to a gastrointestinal illness outbreak. So, as long as he remains well (which by the way he has since the other night), he can go to the gym with a mask, gloves and gown. But at least he'll still be getting PT.

Because of the outbreak, the whole place is in an uproar. The dining rooms are closed. All meals are delivered to the rooms. No new admissions or room changes. So, he'll probably end up having a roommate until he leaves. Thankfully, John (the roommate) has been great. Unfortunately he's been sick since he moved in. Feel bad for him. And until the facility is symptom free for 4 days they won't resume normal activities.

Because of the wound on Nathan's back that isn't healing, he made a visit to the local wound clinic today. He was seen by some very nice ladies and was told that it wasn't too bad. They are concerned but it isn't as bad as it could be. They developed a treatment plan and asked him to come back next week. He isn't suppose to sit in his wheelchair to much as it applies too much pressure to the area. They also want him to have the same kind of bed he has now, when he gets home.

Everyday is closer to coming home! Everyday is a better day for Nathan. He's working hard and doing so well. I couldn't be prouder of him.

Thanks to all for all your love and support! Have a wonderful evening. Love, The Mellon's

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tuesday 12/5/06 Belly Bug

Well, last night Nathan came down with the belly bug. As it turns out they have an "outbreak" and we've heard they have a confirmed case of Norwalk virus. So, it is making the rounds here. It has an incubation period of 24 to 48 hours and it lasts about that long as well. When I got in this morning, Nathan said he was actually doing pretty good and hadn't been sick since last night. That was so great to hear as it can be a pretty miserable thing to have to deal with. It's bad enough when you can get up and walk (or run) to the bathroom. Maybe he got lucky and got a lighter dose of it. He's still pretty worn out today but otherwise has been able to eat.

No PT or OT today and possibly tomorrow as they have to give him a full 48 hours to recover. So, that isn't a great thing as it will put him back a couple days but he'll get his strength back soon.

Don't know if you saw but one of the neighbors from the crash site wrote a comment that there was another accident in the same place last Friday night. This time there were signs up indicating the corner but they still missed it. It was a stolen car and the occupants ran off so they can only assume that they were okay. But this makes the 3rd accident in as many months. Definitely a dangerous area. I suggested to her that they see if reflectors could be put on the fence. Also, maybe they could put one of the yellow and black reflective arrows up on the fence. It's just so vast looking in the dark. Very deceiving.

So today is a quiet day but a good day.

Hope all of you are having a wonderful day. Love to all, The Mellon's

Monday, December 04, 2006



I swear to you it was like a miracle happening before my eyes! He stood with little help and walked the full length of the parallel bars and back again. Diana had him do that several times. Absolutely amazing to witness. He said that it didn't really hurt but sure was hard and made him really tired. That will be a morning routine from now until we head for home. They will do strengthening workouts in the afternoons.

Needless to say he is taking a much deserved nap right now before they come back to get him for MORE.

I took some video clips and am hoping to figure out how to post them to the blog so I can share this awesome event with all of you. How I wish you could have been here to see it.

It's another beautiful day in Denver. There is still snow on the ground but it is bright and sunny with beautiful blue skies.

Thank you all for being part of our miracle. We love you! The Mellon's

I received this from a friend today (Thank you Nita) and thought it was fitting.

Charles Schultz Philosophy

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the "Peanuts" comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just read the e-mail straight through, and you'll get the point.
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.?
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America Contest.???
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize. ???
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.???
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.
How did you do? The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
Easier? The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones?who care. Pass this on to those people who have made a difference in your life.
"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.It's already tomorrow in Australia " (Charles Schultz)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Saturday 12/2/06 Quiet day

Not much to report today. Especially after the great week we've had.

Today we just watched movies and hung out. I'm knitting another scarf. This one is for JJ, one of the nurses. I've made 3 others for some of the staff that is taking such good care of Nathan and me. A couple of the girls call him "Brother". It's really pretty funny.

This will probably be a quiet weekend. The real action will start on Monday! I know Diana (the therapist) is anxious to get him up and is probably thinking about it all weekend if I know her. She is very close with Nathan and is really looking forward to this big day. I can see them being friends once this is over. And I just mean friends. She is a neat person. He's actually made several friends here that I imagine he will keep in touch with.

I myself would take several of them home with me. They are a bunch of sweethearts.

Well, time to get back to my knitting. Need to be sure to finish it be for we COME HOME!!!

As I said previously, it will probably be the 16th or so. Haven't set our airline reservations yet just in case it gets moved up or delayed.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Thank you all for your love and support. Everyday is getting better. Love to you all, The Mellon's

Friday, December 01, 2006

News! News! News!

Sorry about missing yesterday. I managed to get a belly bug. It's making the rounds at Monaco. Nathan has a roommate and he has it. I'm just hoping and praying that Nathan manages to skip it.

Today Nathan had a follow up appointment with the Ortho Doc's. He is no longer NON-WEIGHT BEARING!!!! Can you believe it? He will probably stand for the first time tomorrow. I'm planning to be here with camera in hand! That was such exciting news!

With that, we may be staying a week longer than originally planned as PT thinks they can have him walking before we come home. We have talked about it and think that if he is able to walk on and off the plane and not have to use a wheelchair that it would really be in his best interest to stay an extra week. Rest assured that we will be home before Christmas. Looks like the 16th instead of the 9th.

That might not be a bad thing as I know Steve is scrambling to get stuff set up.

Thanks to everyone for all your love and support. We'll be home before we know it. The Mellon's