Fix Nathan

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Saturday 11/11/06 Almost forgot to post

Sorry about that! I almost forgot to post today. Guess that should be a clue about the type of day we had today. It was quiet.

He's still having trouble sleeping so, when I got there this morning he was still sleeping and slept for quite a while. Once he woke up he was up for the day. Seems to be eating a little better.

We did some PT on our own. The therapist gave us a sheet of exercises we're suppose to do everyday. He doesn't like doing them and I hate making him but it is a necessary evil.

I left early today as I got to babysit my grand nephew Ethan. We had a great time. He's a great little guy. What a pleasure to get to spend time with him and get to know him. But I really, really, really like 3 year olds. I could have a whole house full. I'm sure there'd be a few objections from my Men....

Caitlin and Katy visited with Nathan tonight. Thanks for being there for us you two. I hated to leave him alone. Heaven forbid he should have a moment to himself... %-}

That's about it for tonight! Love & Hugs to all, The Mellon's


  • Hi, Bud keep up the PT work even if you don't want to, its going to get you home sooner. Your Dad and I and Henrie went to the Keg for dinner last night and had great meal but the service there is not what it use to be. But we had fun and the food was good. That is about it you will be getting a Huggie card in a few days Hope you like it. Take care and come home soon. Love Bud

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:25 PM  

  • That is suppose to be Love you Bud

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:27 PM  

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