Fix Nathan

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Today Nathan had PT in the gym. I didn't get to see it but they had him on the mat doing stomach exercises and stuff like that. He said it hurt. Guess that is to be expected since his stomach muscles haven't been stretched out much in a while.

He is eating much better. Brought him chicken fettuccini last night for dinner and he ate all of it. Today we brought him a big french dip w/fries. He ate half of it. That was pretty good.

He's really tired this afternoon. Guess PT/OT wore him out.

By the way, it's 70 degrees here today. Probably snow tomorrow.... Just kidding, well kind of

Hugs to all, The Mellon's


  • Hi there, sure glad everything is going great, We had a very good day here to but the weather was allful and rainy and windy. Carl went in for the colon deal and to streach his throat. He did really well and everything went well. He had a lot of gas but that was to be expected. He goes back to talk to the Dr. in two weeks. He did great. He is resting now and sleeps every few hours. He will be even better tomorrow. Won't be so sleepy. So that is about it. I and he wish the weather was better but we have to take what we get there. You all take care and keep up the good work Bud. Your Grandpa is proud of you for working so hard. Love to all Grandpa and Henrie.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:00 PM  

  • Bev & Nathan

    Just want to let you know I am thinking of you and will be out of the office tomorrow and wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! Have a wonderful day!
    God Bless The Mellon Family!!
    Jamie Marquez

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:12 PM  

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