Fix Nathan

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sunday 11/19/06 Quiet day

Today has been a quiet day. He was pretty sleepy today. Not sure if its due to being tired or just plain boredom. Maybe both.

Today Katy and Krystal came to visit. Was great to see them. So, while they were visiting, Carla and I went back to the accident site and were able to meet the Doctor and his family who were with Nathan the night of the accident. What a great family. It was so nice to meet one of the professionals responsible for helping to save his life. I know that Mark (that is the Doctor) had a great deal to do with his survival. Thank you Mark and everyone else that were there for him. Thanks for being part of our many guardian angels who have been with us during this difficult time.

The good news is that they have put reflectors up at the corner as well as a sign indicating the turn. It sounded like Mark, his wife and the neighbors were instrumental in getting that done. There were other areas in the neighborhood that have corners just like this one and they aren't signed. Thank you to all involved in getting that corner fixed. I hope you are able to get the other areas done as well.

Nathan did all his exercises tonight. He isn't crazy about it but knows that it is the quickest way to get home. So far, he hasn't thrown anything at me.... %-} I know this is really tough but he is working toward making his goal as well as working on setting a few more. I'm so proud of him.

Tomorrow is a big day. It is the day he gets the pins out of his arm. That should be really something. He'll be transported to Denver Health at 5:30 AM and the surgery is scheduled for 8:00 AM. Not sure how long it will take but don't imagine it will take long to remove the pins. Probably longer to get ready to do it. At least that is what I'm hoping.

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thanks for all your love and support. The Mellon's


  • Hi Bev & Nathan
    Just to see a smile on Nathan's face puts a smile on my face. GREAT JOB NATHAN! Glad to hear all the visitors who came to see him, hopefully is eases some pain and takes his mind elsewhere. I sure wish I could make a surprise visit to give you a HUGE HUG for being such a supportive mom and inspiration! I have admired you since the day you hired me and now you are the world to me. Please let me know when you both come home so I can come and visit. Take Care and Nathan keep reaching for those stars, you are almost there! God Bless The Mellon Family!! Jamie Marquez

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:56 AM  

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