Fix Nathan

Friday, November 17, 2006

Shower Boy!!!

SHOWER BOY!!!! Feels like a new man!


  • Hi Nathan,

    We're sorry you've had to endure so much pain. Les says you look mischievous in your after-shower pic; I think that's a good thing. Yay, catheter's out, pins coming out, you're strong and making it through tough times. Looking forward to seeing you in Kent.

    Hi Bev,

    Sorry you've had to endure the runaround, rude customer service, and seeing your son's pain. Your blog about the most recent ER experience is good and bad. Good, lively description of events and bad because you had to deal with supposed professionals who act like they think since they're in health care that they don't need to own any customer service skills. I mean, with all the money spent on health care, they'd better not lose touch with that aspect of their jobs.

    To both of you and Steve, our love and thoughts are with you through good and bad; more red-letter days are surely on the horizon; and, we hope to see you all at Christmas time. We're spending Eve and Day in Leavenworth, maybe skiing or snowshowing and seeing a "cute-sie town." What's the best thing to do for New Year's in the Seattle area? Happy Thanksgiving!

    Les and Karen

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:27 PM  

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