Fix Nathan

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


What an awesome day!!!

When we got here he was sitting in the wheelchair. He said that he transition from the bed to the chair by himself! That was a first. Not only did he do it once but he did it twice.

He had PT twice today and did really well.

Right now he is getting his haircut at the salon down the hall. That will probably feel so good to get a good hair washing and a cut.

Today we received the most wonderful Thanksgiving basket from some of my work friends. Thanks you guys. What a really wonderful thing to do. We will certainly enjoy that for many, many days.

Just another example of all the wonderful things you have all done for us during this difficult time.

We have so much to be thankful for this year! Isn't it GREAT!!!!

Hope you all have the most wonderful Thanksgiving ever. We'll miss being home but this will certainly be a holiday for celebrating and we are being well taken care of here.

Love to you all,


  • g&k,

    Thank you for your support. It was nice of you to write. We hope that you experienced a speedy recovery from your accident.

    The Mellon's

    By Blogger Nathan's Mom, at 11:31 AM  

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